I kept a list of your virtual event ideas and commitments. I am posting them here so everyone can see the great ideas discussed, and hold each other accountable. I tried to get everyone, but if I missed you, I apologize .. you can add yours in the comments. Also, I was writing very quickly so cannot always rad my own handwriting r your names. Please fill in the blanks so we can see all of the great plans and watch them come to fruition over the next few months!
Special congratulations to Marge Clark and Charlene Simon for announcing their events within 48 hours of the end of #2x4Live!
Rhonda Frye: Facebook party
Marge Clark: Facebook Q+A (first one done yesterday!)
Michelle Touchstone: Facebook party in May
Stacia Guzzo: Honeybee Hunt on April 20
Rachel Najera: Scavenger Hunt on May 1
Lisa Thorstenson: Cloud 9 Lifestyle (or similar) Periscope
Aubrey Helmuth Miller: Facebook party on April 30 (invites done by 4/16)
Janis Emery: Periscope for Bonnaroo Music Festival June 6-14
Cindy Thorson Hanson: Facebook party before May 1
Lisa Buteux: Facebook party on April 21
Hip Chick Organics (sorry, cannot recall mother/daughter team names): Focus group in June or July
Shelly Scott: Ask the Soapmaker, lauching in May
Share The Soap (cannot recall name, sorry): Twitter chat in April using #sharethesoap
Charlene Simon: Clawfoot Confessions on Periscope (which name has now changed to Char's April Faves)
Nicole Sullivan: launch a Facebook Group in June
Kismet Andrews: Periscope
Tonya Tate: video series about “small steps” you can take to be healthier
Roslyne Yates-Johnson: Facebook party for VIP customers
Karen Zimmer: I cannot read my own handwriting — Wednesday Soap Day?
Roberta Perry: Scavenger Hunt on April 15
Roxie or Rosie and Irene's (sorry, my handwriting again): Where have your hands been event in June
Soap Equipment: Show and Tell
Neha Chokshi: something in April, not sure what
Toushea (in Charlotte; sorry, cannot recall name): something in June
Kelli Parisian-Meyer: wellness for women over 40. I think Perisccope? She had a great name for it too, and I forgot what that was. Kelli?
Angela Carillo: Facebook party early June
Jennifer Waller: Rosacea tips and awareness, 3x a week; I think these are going to be live Facebook video events
Desiree Doucet: a book club/podcast about preserving Cajun history
Christine Given Laureano: monthly Facebook party
Ann Kuchera Stoll: monthly Facebook party
Jocelyn Ingram Johnson: Scavenger Hunt in April
Whew! You all ROCK!
Congratulations to everyone! And don't give up!
IMPORTANT NOTE: The first iterations of your events will have hiccups. They will not be perfect. Do not give up. You told me in Nashville that you wanted to stand out from the crowd, and this is your chance to leverage technology to make that happen.
We and our businesses become successful because we become comfortable stepping outside of our comfort zones, and we repeatedly innovate — building the plane while we are simultaneously learning how to fly it. I'm so excited to be with you all on this journey!