Enrollment in Indie Business University has closed. To be notified when enrollment re-opens, and to receive free weekly entrepreneurial mentoring and training in the meantime, subscribe to my newsletter.

IBU General

Here's what you get when you subscribe to my free updates:

• Each Friday afternoon, I will email you a NEW STRATEGY or idea that you can ponder over the weekend. You can incorporate the strategy into your life and business on your own, or you can join me in the free Indie Business University Facebook group;

• Watch your inbox for an invitation to join me in the private Indie Business University FREE PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP, where you'll discuss my weekly entrepreneurial lesson, tip, or strategy with me and other like-minded entrepreneurs, and take steps to use it to advance forward in your life and your business; and

• You'll be the first to hear about new programs and opportunities to WORK WITH ME MORE PERSONALLY to help you break all the rules, build your own corporate ladder, and create the life you love!!

In invite you to subscribe to my free updates NOW using the form below.

Best and success!


  • This email address will be used for all Indie Business University correspondence, including the private lecture hall invitation.
  • (type "no business yet" if you have no business yet)
    The Indie Business Network will send or share the data on this form with InfusionSoft.