While more new and amazing books are published every year, it's hard to find the time to read all of them. Of course, with the best intentions, you buy them anyway, only to look up a few months later and see the titles piled up in our Audible account or collecting dust on a lonely shelf in the corner of your room.
We get it. Life as an entrepreneur is busy, yet you've got to keep learning in order to continue to make progress in life and achieve your goals. The wisdom of a well-penned book is priceless, but only if you read it. But how do you find the time?
We got you!
The Indie Business Book Club is the easy and fun way to embrace new concepts that can be applied to your life for maximum success, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Each month (except for August and December), we read a book together. Check out the books we've read so far over the years in the Indie Business Book Club!
Invest in yourself. Sharpen your intelligence. Expand your skillset. Together!

Here's how it works!
You are busy enough, so to avoid overwhelm, we follow a manageable reading plan of just 10 books a year, focusing on books in the “business” and “self-help” genres. Check out the books we've read so far in the Indie Business Book Club! (We skip August and December so you can enjoy vacation and holiday time.) We read each book over a four-week period, breaking each one down to about 50 pages per week, or roughly 8 to 10 pages per day. Our plan ensures that even members with busy schedules can easily keep up.
The week after we finish a book, we gather virtually as a group to discuss and share major thoughts, insights and takeaways. Our discussion, facilitated by thoughtfully designed prompts, is where the deeper learning and sharing occurs. Members learn from each others' experiences and applications of the material. This is a priceless opportunity to learn and grow in our supportive community as we strategize about how to apply what we learn to our lives and our businesses.
Check out the books we've read so far in the Indie Business Book Club!
Ready to read together with us? What are you waiting for? Join the Indie Business Network today and get this and tons of other member benefits right away!