Donna Maria, IBN's founder and CEO, has been a source of ideas, inspiration, guidance, suggestions and advice for more years than I can remember. She is just, pure and simple, a resource you can NOT afford to ignore. And besides that, she shares her heart and soul with us…she is a constant reminder during all the stress and hard work fo creating and running your own business…that it's important to take time for you…time to nurture your spirit, time to laugh.

I've been a member of IBN for (it seems like) forever, through a lot of different incarnations as she has helped the organization and its members grow. I am so grateful for her friendship.

Marge ClarkNature's Gift: IBN Member since 2000

My membership to the Indie Business Network has been invaluable to my business! No other place will you find makers, who often make the same things, never competing against each other, but rather lifting each other up, helping each other, and supporting one another. It is truly a incredibly unique, and priceless dynamic that is hard to find other places. When I have a business or industry type of question, this group is the absolute first place I go for help and suggestions. The members are genuine, and are honestly a remarkable group of people. Donna Maria's vision for the network is progressive and inspiring! Very grateful for this group and how they have facilitated growth in my business.

Stacey Ann Venturabe blends - IBN Member since 2015

As a business consultant for boutique spa owners, I recommend IBN constantly. This is THE go to resource for a plethora of sound business advice. From private sessions with Donna Maria (which I highly recommend – get your pen ready you fill pages in your notebook) to the essential Maker Mastermind groups and the step by step Indie Method (every business would benefit from starting here). The Facebook groups and challenges are lively, well thought out, and will drive you and your business to places you've never dreamed you would go. And you can get your product liability insurance here as well. Stellar combo!!

Susan VargaAromatic Traditions, IBN Member since 2014

As a business owner, we have to make a lot of decisions…some of them good and some not so good. I have found that being a member of the Indie Business Network has been one of the BEST decisions I have made for my business. The leadership and mentoring that Donna Maria provides is truly priceless. Donna Maria has a natural ability to gently lead and guide you along your business journey. I have participated in multiple events/challenges that Indie Business Network has hosted and each time I come away with more knowledge and growth in my business. As a solo entrepreneur you are never alone when you are a member of IBN. I can truly say I have formed some friendships through this organization that I know will be life long friendships…that is an added benefit! Thank you Donna Maria for creating the Indie Business Network, I am honored to be a member of this fine organization.

Sandy EngelsThe Purple Sage: IBN Member since 2013

I have known Donna Maria since 2006. She is a wellspring of knowledge and positive energy. When I thought about who I wanted to brainstorm with for the evolution of my business, Donna was at the top of the list. She brings her years of experience as a business person and her creativity as a maker with her. I only wish I had more time with her, which I will be doing in the near future. She help pull my different business offerings into different buckets. It clarified for me how I can communicate that to myself and others. I can wait to speak with her again because I know I am in solid hands! Thank you, Donna Maria.

Jennifer HardawayKleanSpa bath + body: IBN Member since 2014