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Canadian Entrepreneur Member
You are actively selling and read to grow (includes access to product liability insurance)
24/7 access to our PRIVATE ENTREPRENEUR MEMBERS ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP for our mastermind accountability groups, entrepreneurial training, support and community to inspire and uplift you when you need it mosT
Exclusive ENTREPRENEUR MEMBERS ONLY LIBRARY, with access to hundreds of hours of organized and categorized training audios and webinars aimed specifically at Entrepreneurs
LIVE CLASSES (and a treasure trove of recorded workshops, webinars and classes) with experts who can help your business grow
Display the Indie Business MEMBER BADGE at your website or blog
PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Connect with new customers and prospects as we share your video content on Instagram to give fans a behind-the-scenes peek at what makes your products so special.
Join your fellow members each Friday in a virtual cheer session to celebrate your BIG WINS OF THE WEEK
The INDIE METHOD: Donna Maria's personalized coaching and mentoring through the four phases of entrepreneurship
Indie Business Directory listing, with scroll stopping product photo and backlinks to you
Independent study course: INDIE BEAUTY UNIVERSITY: 9 hours of at-your-own-pace training: FDA regulations, trademarks and business set-up, etc.)