Ispent the last several days on #INDIECruise MasterMind 2012. You can enjoy the photo album at the Indie FaceBook Page here. Along with Lela Barker, Melissa Rivera, Dawn Fitch, Jennifer Hardaway, Robin Schmidt, Stephanie Craig, Marilyn Schindel, La Shonda Tyree and other IBN members and friends, and accompanied by my children, I spent 5 days combining a great vacation with power MasterMinding.
Our theme this year was Create The Life You Love, and boy, did we ever! Here are 10 things I did on #IndieCruise.
- I swam with dolphins. The proof is in the photo of me, my kids and Ziggy. I also kissed and was kissed by dolphins. Their skin is soft and smooth. They must be the most gentle and friendly creatures on earth.
- I kept my business going … or should I say my assistant did. Thank you Kayla! I was gone 4 out of 5 business days last week, and my business enjoyed one of its best weeks ever. I think I should vacation more often … maybe with you next time? You can do it too!
- I spent a morning in the ship's infirmary. When you travel with young children, you have to be on the lookout for this. At 3:30am on March 1, my son woke up screaming with an ear infection. It's scary enough when your child is sick. It's even more scary when your child is sick in foreign waters. Thankfully, the ship's physician was a cheerful woman, even at 3:30 in the morning, and she took good care of us.
After hours doctor's consultation: $125. After hours nurse's consultation: $45. After hours pharmacy: $20. A knowledgeable physician with a sunny disposition who treats you and your child like you matter: priceless.
- I practiced the art of patience. Throughout #IndieCruise, I went back and forth between my kids and my fellow cruisers at a frantic pace. There were many times when my kids wanted to swim, but I had to lead a MasterMind discussion. Thank goodness for Carnival Kids Club, but even that didn't save me every time. (I won't get into the times when the kids couldn't agree on what they wanted to do, and I had to accompany both of them.) I had to remain calm and focused so my children could have fun, and so I could have fun and get my work done. Mission accomplished, and I think my #IndieCruise guests would agree.
- I ate the same desert every day. It was warm chocolate melting cake. It was so good that I forgot to take a photo.
- I discovered Mango Martinis. It happened rather late in life, but I'll take it. See my Mango Martini here.
- I lost, and then found my purse. While in Jamaica, I set my purse down at a mountain top cafe. As we were being driven halfway down the mountain, I realized it was gone. Our fabulous driver, Liamb, turned the van around and drove back up to the top of the mountain in record time. When we got there, about 10 local Jamaican people pointed, smiling, to my purse, still sitting in the chair I had left it in. They had been watching it for me. Not a thing was missing, including hundreds of dollars, all of my kids and my travel documents, our return flight plane tickets and our ship boarding passes. I am blessed.
- I fell in love with Grand Cayman Island's Seven Mile Beach. The sand is as soft as flour. The people are beautiful and friendly. The water is crystal clear and warm. I cannot wait to go back.
- It don't easily become sea sick.. We sailed to Jamaica in the middle of a very strong wind storm, which made us late for our arrival into the island. The ship swayed considerably, and many people became woozy and sea sick. Not me, and not my kids. That's good to know, since my future plans include lots of cruising.
- I was made to spa. I spent a total of 6 hours in the ship's spa. I enjoyed a seaweed wrap, full body hot stone massage, head and foot massage, ginger/lime full body sugar scrub, and more. I was comatose from the moment I entered the spa until the moment I left. Oh yes indeedy, there are more cruises in my future!
Later this week, I'm going to share more information about the people who came in #IndieCruise. You will love every one of them, and they have some super products too!
Join Us in 2013?
You can start planning to pause with us on #INDIEcruise 2013 by joining the public #INDIEcruise FaceBook Page where you'll get the first update shortly about the date and location of our next cruise. We will make it easy for everyone to attend my including a payment plan so you can pay in small chunks. No pain, all gain!
Question: Isn't it time you experienced the power of #IndieCruise?