Maker Planner is a repeatable system designed to help you forecast your future, create your quarters, and design your days to you can continuously transform and improve your business and your life, and it's now available for purchase through next two weeks at this link. When used consistently, Maker Planner will help you clarify your goals and organize your tasks and priorities so you can be more productive and have more fun in your life and in your business. Here's how.

5 ways Maker Planner can help you build your best business
The first thing to do when you receive your planner is to fill in the dates for the days and months in the quarter.
The very next thing is to go to the current date and and record your Daily Trifecta: your top 3 priorities for the day.
A “trifecta” is a a run of three wins or grand events. If you could only accomplish 3 things on any given day, what would those things be? That's your Daily Trifecta or your three wins of the day. Write them down and keep them top of mind during your day so you are more likely to get them done.
Once you identify your Daily Trifecta, you can use the rest of the daily spread to focus and batch daily activities to achieve your Daily Trifecta and make the best use of your time. You can also track food and water consumption and use the “To Do” area to record any miscellaneous items you need to tend to during the day.
Similar to your Daily Trifecta, your Quarterly Trifecta identifies your goals for the quarter. Setting quarterly goals allows you to break down your annual goals into quarterly batches so you can maximize the chances of achieving them. It also helps to prevent the overwhelm that can result when you try to do too many things at the same time.
To set your quarterly goals, use one of the notes pages in the planner to write down all of the goals you have for the next year or so. Divide them up into sets of three that can be accomplished on a quarterly basis. Record your goals in the planner. Put the goals for the current quarter in the quarterly Goals section. Record your goals for future quarters in the Future Goals section.
It might help to use pencil or an erasable pen to record future goals so you can move things around a bit or even delete some goals if you find that you need to make some changes. Remember, nothing is set in stone! Life and business change at warp speed these days. A goal you expect to achieve in 8 months may no longer be relevant once the time comes. Be flexible and gracious with yourself. Never be afraid to adjust your sail.
What we measure we can improve.
To grow your business the way you want it to grow, you must make your business do the things you want it to do. This requires you to track the business metrics that are important to you. Maker Planner is set up to make it easy for you to keep track of important metrics so you can assess and improve them every week.
At the back of the planner, you'll find these tracking tools:
- Website statistics and conversion rate
- Social media followers and engagement
- Published (and shared) blog posts
- Newsletter and SMS tracking
- Gross sales
- Business expenses
Start where you are with the metrics that are important to you. Keep track of them on a weekly basis, and you'll quickly identify trends and patterns that will help you know what you should do more of and what you should do less of in order to continue to make the progress you want.
Your Maker Planner contains a future log for you to record important dates and events that will happen in a future quarter. When you start a new quarterly Maker Planner, transfer your future log entries into your new planner. This will keep them available at-a-glance so they don't sneak up on you.
You'll be amazed at how much this helps you organize your life and feel more confident about your future as you design and move towards it.
The Maker Method is Every business moves through four distinct growth phases. The Maker Method is IBN’s proprietary framework developed to help you make progress in a sequential and orderly fashion from starting to growing a business that makes you happy and successful, and can generate income for life.
Purchase Your Maker Planner Today: Members Only!
You can purchase your Q4 Maker Planner today through August 22 at this link.
How do you use the Maker Planner to build your best business? What are your tips, strategies, practices, and questions!?