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Today, I'm thinking about riches. That's right — money, wealth, fortune, fame, and all that stuff. Of all the successful people I've known — the ones who have achieved what they want to achieve –I've noticed that they don't typically set out to obtain riches. They don't set out to do something so that will make them rich.
Instead, they set out to do something they can make rich. They set out to make a contribution. They do things that they're naturally talended at, naturally good at; or they have a pssion for, or that they've been educated in. Or maybe they've been raised in something, so they know howit well, and it's in their blood.
The most successful people challange themselves to make contributions that have never been made before.
They set out ot make the orld rich. They don't set out to have the world make them rich.
I'm thinking abou that today, and I believe we all have the ability to make the world rich.
So, as I live my life my life today, I'll be asking what I can do to make the wold rich?. How will I make a contribution today? Not so that it will come back to me, but so I can have the peace of knowing that, while I'm doing what happens to make me a living, I'm also making a valuable contribution to the world.
Question: What do you think about using the world to make you rich vs. allowing your life to be used to make the world rich?