I will host #HandmadeChat No. 2 on Thursday, October 13, from 8pm to 9pm EST! Our topic will be the Best Places To Sell Handmade Products Online. My co-host will be TJ McCue, lover of all things handmade and American Express OPENForum and SmallBizTrends contributor.
TJ and I will guide you through a discussion of what's hot in online handmade sales venues. The technology allows you to do some amazing things and you won't want to miss out on seeing how others use the Web to increase sales and maximize visibility for their handmade products!
The next #HandmadeChat is tomorrow, Thursday, evening from 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST. Here's how to join.
You'll need a Twitter account in order to participate in #HandmadeChat. If you don't have one, set one up by following the instructions in this How To Set Up Your Twitter Profile video.
Once you have a Twitter account, just join us at 8:00pm EST by choosing either TweetChat (recommended for newbies) or TweetGrid.
How To Join #HandmadeChat Using TweetChat
Joining #HandmadeChat is super easy, using TweetChat. At 8pm EST on this Thursday, October 13, do this:
– log onto TweetChat
– Click Login in the upper right to log into Twitter using your Twitter username and password
– Click “Authorize App” to return to TweetChat
– Type in “handmadechat” (without the quotes) in the space at the top
This will take you to the chat where you'll see real time conversations of everyone participating during #HandmadeChat. You'll probably see some of your friends, and when you do, you can use the icons on the screen to Reply, Retweet, Favorite and Follow them! To start chatting, just type your chat in the text window. The number to the right counts down how many characters you have left before you reach 140. The #handmadechat hash tag will be automatically added to your Tweets, and will be searchable on Twitter (which is indexed by Google), as you can see here. You can even click “pause” to pause the chat in case it's going too fast for you.
How To Join #HandmadeChat Using TweetGrid
Joining #HandmadeChat via TweetGrid is only recommended for people who are very familiar with how Twitter works. If you are a newbie, use TweetChat.
To join via TweetGrid, at 8pm EST this Thursday, October 13, do this:
– go to our pre-prepared TweetGrid Link, login using your Twitter combination, and you'll see the 3 columns
– The left column is everyone using the #HandmadeChat hash tag
– The middle column are Tweets by me and my co-host
– In the right column, type in @ your Twitter username, and it will now display the Tweets of people talking directly to you during #HandmadeChat
You’ll notice above you username is a #hashtag box, which should say #HandmadeChat. If it does not, add it so the Tweets you send during the chat will include the tag. Just like with TweetChat, you'll enjoy real time conversations of everyone participating during #HandmadeChat. You'll probably see some of your friends, and when you do, you can use the icons on the screen to Reply, Retweet, Favorite and Follow them! To start chatting, just type your chat in the text window. The number to the right counts down how many characters you have left before you reach 140. The #handmadechat hash tag will be automatically added to your Tweets, and will be searchable on Twitter (which is indexed by Google), as you can see here. You can even click “pause” to pause the chat in case it's going too fast for you.
Follow #HandmadeChat conversation on Twitter to stay abreast of the latest.
Connect with my co-host, TJ McCue too!
I'm stoked!
See you tomorrow!
Question: What are your favorite places to sell your handmade products online?
Especially for my members –> Log in to learn how to make the most of all kinds of Twitter Chats for your business, by listening to Growing Your Business By Participating In A Twitter Chat, with special guest Cathy Larkin.