Earlier this evening, our very own La Shonda Tyree hosted the first #IndieMeetup of the year in her brand new NYAH Studio in Paterson, New Jersey. The ladies in attendance enjoyed a great time of fellowship and encouragement as they used colorful graphics and affirming words to visualize a great 2014. Here's a photo of everyone showing off their vision boards.
One of the things La Shonda told me that made this vision boarding event special is that participants were discourged from using visuals and words that made them feel as though there were lacking or not doing things right. Says La Shonda, “We only used images and words that inspired and lifted us up, and made us feel radiant. We ignored things that caused us to “should” on ourselves and drag ourselves down. We focused on things we want to make materialize in 2014, as opposed to things we want to do better.”
Here is more about the power of vision boarding.
Get a link to La Shonda's Facebook photo album of the event here.
QUESTION: Have you ever created a vision board before? I would love to learn more about how you did it and how it helps you lead your life and your business. Do share!
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