Use These 10 Tips to Save Your Business Before It Starts
Since I joined Twitter back in April, I have been challenged to summarize coherent thoughts into 140 characters or less. To be honest, that's quite a feat for me since I love to write and all my life, have been told that Im a little on the wordy side.
But I think I'm getting better at editing myself down (your comments in agreement, or not, are welcome!), and to prove it, I assembled these 10 140-characters-or-less keys that you can use to lead your business to success even before it starts. In fact, even if you are already in business, doing these 10 things regularly can help you stay on track.
1. Launch a branded blog before your business starts. Blog regularly, always inviting readers' feedback. Get the word out early, far and wide. (139 characters)
2. Pay all of your credit cards off. If you can't, create a payment schedule to make sure there are no late fees and interest is at a minimum. (139 characters)
3. Get business cards with your blog address. They are cheap and you never know who you can give one to in the grocery store check out line. (137 characters)
4. Reserve your brand name(s) everywhere, including at all social networking sites you know about, even if you don't plan to use them. (131 characters)
5. Subscribe to at least 10 newsletters and blogs in your industry. Carefully study how they do business. This is free mentoring at its best. (138 characters)
6. Join the leading professional trade organization serving your industry. Take advantage of the benefits, ask questions, get answers. (131 characters)
7. Start or join a MasterMind group and meet at least twice monthly. Use it to set goals, be accountable and help others while others help you. (140 characters).
8. Read and incorporate Jack Canfield's The Success Principles into your life. (71 characters)
9. Subscribe to Michael Hyatt's blog. Eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (71 characters)
10. Make sure your significant others (spouse, kids, etc.) know what you are doing and how to support you. Surprises in business are not fair. (138 characters)
Question: What tips can you offer in 140 characters or less?
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