To express that it's difficult to find something, you may say, “it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.” I felt that way a few days ago when someone called and said, “Hi, I found you in the September '07 issue of Entrepreneur Magazine …”
I didn't hear another word he said. I had already started heading for the closest magazine stand to find myself (the needle) in the magazine (the haystack). Finally, there I (or at least my name) was, on page 36. But the best part is that the article mentions the Indie Beauty Network! It's a small “Flash” article called “Eye On Makeup,” written by Lindsay Holloway. It's about the importance of targeting a niche if you are in the Indie beauty business, and specifically mentions the market of young girls ages 5 to 9. I am honored to be included.
There's lots more other great stuff in the issue, including a guide to new technologies for growing businesses and a spotlight on “hot” businesses like day spas and businesses selling pet products and sweets. Get your copy on most news stands or subscribe online here.