According to the US National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health, several animal and human studies suggest that lavender may be an effective treatment for certain neurological disorders. Among other things, they show that lavender has mood stabilizing, sedative, and analgesic properties. Of course that's no surprise to Indie Business Network members who grow and harvest lavender at their farms across the nation, using it to create products to help you enjoy the many positive effects of this lovely plant.

Just in case you thought the best lavender in the world came from France, I've got some news for you. The best lavender is right here in the US of A, and you can get it from our members! As the summer winds down, why not take a look at these farms, and investigate whether you can fit a visit into your late summer schedule? Tell them IBN sent you!
Check Out Indie Business Network Member Lavender Farms!
(All of these locations have incorporated protocols to account for COVID-19. Check their websites for details, along with updates to hours, curbside pickup policies, and/or delivery options as these can change quickly. And remember that all of them have online stores open 24/7!)
Questions for discussion and sharing
Are you a lavender fan? Or maybe an aficionado? Have you experienced the positive effects of lavender in your life? Or maybe you've visited one of these amazing destination lavender farms? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. How do you use lavender in your everyday life?
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