I am excited to announce the theme and exotic retreat destination for #IndieCruise Mastermind 2017. I'm even more thrilled to share our new collaboration with a non-profit organization to benefit native Caribbean people in Haiti. More about that later. First, for those who don't know, #IndieCruise is a small, intimate, limited seat retreat for Makers and Creative Entrepreneurs who have been in business at least three years. We serve people who are ready to achieve more success, more profit and more freedom, and who are passionate about using their businesses to make a real difference in the world. If that describes you, then keep reading!
You can register for #IndieCruise 2017 now by clicking here. If you have any questions before registering, call Suzanne Niemeier at 678-903-0210.

Welcome to Punta Cana!
#IndieCruise 2017 will take place at the lovely and relaxing Club Med Luxury Resort & Spa in Punta Cana. Here is a video from a prior retreat so you can get an idea of what we have in store for you.
#IndieCruise 2017 Theme: Refresh ~ Refine ~ Results
Our 2017 theme is designed to deliver mighty refreshment, so we can refocus our energy exclusively on the actions that deliver clarity and specific results in our lives and our businesses.
- Refresh.
If you've been reading this blog for a while, or if you'd heard me speak, then you know how important I believe it is for entrepreneurs to enjoy sabbatical-type times in their lives. Not only does time away allow you to zoom out to revive and rejuvenate your spirit, but it also allows you to take a more objective look at your business so you can tweak it to make sure it is serving your specific purposes.
On #IndieCruise Mastermind 2017, we will have a joyful time of refreshment on the very first day. You'll temporarily disconnect from everything that is “normal” in your life so you can embrace a new way of looking at things. These new outlooks will help you inject new energy and ideas into your life and your business.
The refreshment will be good for you, good for your business, and good for your life!
- Refine.
Once we have effectively disconnected and put ourselves fully in the moment in our exotic paradise, we will pull out our Indie Business Planners and we will refine our 2017 with renewed vigor. We will Mastermind together to eliminate every bit of fat from our daily activities.
We'll make sure that every 24-hour cycle is filled with actions that help us reach our goals. More money, more fitness, less negative stress, more freedom, better sleep, more predictable income, increased confidence, and the enhanced use of technology to reach our goals.
Our sessions will be open and revealing. This part of our retreat will be about digging deep, sometimes into places that can sting a little bit. But it's all so we can reveal more of our gifts — to ourselves and to the world.
We will excavate what is holding us back or causing us to question ourselves, and we will bring to the fore new ways to approaching challenges so we can experience more of the results we are after.
- Results.
Intentions are good, but they really do not matter apart from the results they lead to.
The way to get results is to take intentional steps (some big, some small) in the direction of those results.
Along the way, we can become distracted and discouraged. Along the way, the market can change, and what we did last year no longer gets us the same result. Along the way, we need to retool our efforts. Along the way, we need to clarify exactly what results we want to achieve.
The third and final prong of #IndieCruise 2017 is results.
What results do you want?
What do you need to do to get them?
We will unearth all of it on #IndieCruise.
How To Register For #IndieCruise 2017
Registering for #IndieCruise 2017 is easy with our simple payment plan. Your deposit holds your room, and your travel insurance is included! The balance can be paid in easy installments over time, or you can pay the entire balance at once.
The details are on our registration page … just click the “Register Now” button!

Collaboration With Caribbean Non-Profit Organization
As I mentioned earlier, I am excited to share that through #IndieCruise, the Indie Business Network has entered into a collaboration with SoudeHaiti, a non-profit organization based in the United States, which empowers individual Haitians to become self-sustaining so they can power a better future for Haiti.
Since hosting the first #IndieCruise in 2011, we have enjoyed the best the Caribbean has to offer.
We've been to Cozumel, Belize, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Key West, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cancun.
On #IndieCruise 2014, we visited Labadee, Haiti, a tiny and private paradise filled with lush foliage, sweet cabanas, and the longest zip line in the world over water. It was lovely.
But just across the mountains in the distance is an entirely different Haiti.
Haiti has been known as the poorest country in the Americas, and is one of the poorest countries in the entire world. Following the 2010 earth quake, things only got worse. While the situation has improved some since 2010, the country remains in dire need of every single human need known to man. The situation tends to be especially stressful at the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic where Haitians born in the Dominican Republic are deported or forcibly removed because they do not have birth documents.
There are hundreds of non-governmental organizations trying to make a difference at the border. Our efforts will be focused in the more mountainous areas, most of which were not as adversely affected by the earthquake and where there are relatively small communities of people without work. These people are eager to learn how to become more self-sufficient. They just need a bit of help, and we intend to provide that.
Learn more about our new collaboration here.
Keep up with the latest news on Facebook and Twitter!
Once you register for #IndieCruise, you will be invited to join our private cruise Facebook group where all the magic happens. Until then, check out our Facebook photo album for #IndieCruise 2016, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
You can also follow #IndieCruise on Twitter.
What are you waiting for?
You can get deposit details and register for #IndieCruise 2017 now by clicking here. If you have any questions before registering, call Suzanne Niemeier at 678-903-0210.
See you in Punta Cana!
Question: Will you be joining us? Space is limited, so grab your soon. We'd love to have you! Do feel free to help us spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.