In this post, I shared links to the text of the newly proposed Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010 (SCA 2010). Here, I posted a brief overview of some of the things I predicted it would contain. Later today, I will publish a post detailing the official position of the Indie Beauty Network to oppose the proposed legislation as written. Because of the sweeping nature of SCA 2010, I launched Oppose SCA to report on SCA 2010 details as they unfold.

This blog will continue to publish small business success and social media advice, and will report occasionally on SCA 2010. Oppose SCA will focus exclusively on the legislation. You can subscribe to this blog here. Subscribe to Oppose SCA via RSS here. (The email subscription link will be set up shortly.)
Join our efforts on FaceBook.
On Twitter, follow the #OpposeSCA hash tag and the OpposeSCA Twitter Page.
Please note that, even if you are not a cosmetics manufacturer and would not normally be interested in cosmetics laws, I hope you will support your fellow small business owners in opposing this law. A petition you can sign will be made available soon, and I will also make it easy for you to write your local Congressional representatives to share your position on the legislation. This is an election year, so now is a good time to tell Congress and President Obama to live up to their promises to support America's small, independent and family owned businesses.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below. Thank you!