Here is a question I received recently at our Facebook Page: “How do we stop running our businesses so reactively and start being more proactive? Do you ever feel like you're running your business, reacting to sales, reacting to non-sales, and filling orders, and just not being proactive?” I answered the question in this short video.
Of course, the short answer to the question is that I do know what it's like to spend too much time reacting to things in my business, and not proactively leading things in the business. It's a learned process to go from reacting and “pro-acting,” but it's a necessary transition if you want to set up your business for the long haul. Be sure to watch the video to get the details, but to boil it down, here are three of the things I do consistently in my business to be proactive and not reactive:
- Set up and use systems, like clockwork.
- Let your customers know what you want them to do.
- Join a Mastermind group.
Click to Tweet This! –> To be more proactive in biz, stick to systems, tell people what you want them to do, Mastermind.
In the video, I explain each principle in more detail and give you simple, easy-to-follow action items to take conrol of your social media outreach so you can more effectively delegate it to someone else.
We have more in depth mentoring and training on issues like these in our private member area. If you're not a member of the Indie Business Network yet, and you'd like access to this content, you can see our other member benefits here, and join today!
1. What do you do when you feel overly reactive and your business?
2. What do you do to remain proactive and in control of your business?
3. What questions do you have?