For the February 2022 edition of the Indie Business Book Club, we read Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, by Seth Godin. The premise of the book is that every business owner can and should bring together like-minded people to create and lead a tribe, or a community, around their brand.
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Build and Lead Your Tribe
If you think business leadership is for famous brands or well known businesses, think again. If you own a business of any size, you are leading that business. You may or may not be doing a good job, but you are the leader.
As the leader of the business, it is your job to lead people to discover the benefits of using your products. You lead the people who are attracted to your brand and who ultimately purchase your products. They do not come to you by accident or osmosis. They come because they are led to do so, and ultimately, they are led by you.
As we read this book together, we discovered that a tribe is a group of people connected to a leader, to each other, and to an idea. It's like a 3-legged stool. The seat of the stool (your product) is supported by these 3 legs:
- Individual tribe members, who look to the product to solve their problems and meet their needs.
- The group of tribe members, who look to each other for support and affirmation.
- The leader of the tribe (you), who makes the product available to the tribe members, and guides and directs them to the product and to each other.
The result is an entrepreneurial ecosystem in which you, your brand, and all tribe members thrive together.
Who should read Tribes?
I read Tribes for the first time shortly after it was published in 2008. I find that it is more relevant today than it was then. If you want to uncover one of the open secrets to long-term business success, then you must first understand and embrace the importance of building and leading your tribe.
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Did you read along with us? What do you think of this book? Do you like the idea of leading a Tribe? Do you have a tribe? How do you lead your tribe? Please share your comments and feedback below.