Direction is the cornerstone of meaningful progress. If you want to visit a friend in Chicago, no matter how fast you go, you'll never get there if you keep changing direction to visit friends in Louisville, Nashville, and Detroit. It's the same in your business, if you set a goal to get to a certain point in your business, yet continue to allow bright shiny objects to divert your attention along the way, you'll never reach your goal.

Conversely, if you have no direction at all, you're likely to simply keep drifting along from here to there. You'll surely end up somewhere, but it's not likely to be anyplace you want to be. Who wants that?
Speed doesn't really matter.
Speed does have a certain appeal, but the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you are headed toward the edge of a cliff. And that's exactly where many entrepreneurs are headed if they don't first calibrate their compass to a head in a specific direction.
Direction matters.
Direction provides a sense of purpose, leading to a desired outcome, allowing you to directly align your actions with the results you want
While speed can be counterproductive, progress is another matter. And if you combine progress and direction, and you happen to be going fast, you may just have a winning combination.
But you need all three.
Progress tracking allows you to navigate setbacks and obstacles, allowing you to adjust and tweak your actions as needed to stay on course
Speed usually doesn't matter as much when you are consistently progressing in the right direction.
Clarity of direction is essential for long term success.
Clarity of direction is essential for long-term success in life and in business. While speed may be nice, it is not the most critical component.
Focus first on your direction. Then on tracking your progress in the direction you want to go. Speed will become a distant third concern as long as you are making steady progress toward your goal. In fact, you might be surprised that it doesn't really matter at all.