Ilove Zumba. No matter how tired or out of sorts I am, if I can drag myself to a Zumba class, I always feel more energized and excited about my life once I'm done. My favorite Zumba instructor is my friend, Syreeta Smith. She's fun, cute, and she comes to class dressed in nothing but colorful Zumba attire. Shoes, hat, sweat bands — everything! Watch this video to see why I love Zumba Diva Syreeta so much.
See? If you didn't want to get up before watching this video, don't you wanna zumba now? Syreeta is a fantastic teacher. She and her husband, Marlon, are dear friends of mine and my husband's. If you're in the Charlotte area, you can connect with Zumba Diva Syreeta and get a schedule of classes through Meetup or FaceBook. Check them out!
By the way, as a (not so) minor detail, my amazing team shot and edited this video for Syreeta. I think it does an amazing job of showcasing Zumba Diva Syreeta, don't you? If you need someone to help you capture the energy, excitement and fun of the products and services you offer in a professional way, we can make it happen. You can see more of our work at blog posts in this category. If you like what you see, we can make one like it to promote your next event. Email me through the contact page for a quote!
Do you Zumba?