Successful Indies Look In One Direction Only
A New Testament Bible verse says that a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8) That's true, especially when it comes to business. Every day, I speak with Indies who love what they do. They want to make money and maybe even ditch a full-time job so they can support themselves while also pursuing their passion. But there's a problem, and it's not that they are lazy, clueless or shiftless. They are simply double-minded.
One mind wants to pursue a hobby all day and have fun. The other one wants to pursue a hobby all day, have fun and make a living. The former means eventual starvation and poverty. The latter could possibly mean the same. So they buy a bunch of supplies, come home and create create create. Then once there are dozens of products on the shelf, they put a few photos up at a website and expect them to fly into people's shopping carts. When that doesn't happen, they claim that they tried and things just didn't work out.
No More Excuses
Poppycock. With technology offering endless ways to reach a specific niche of people, your products and the story behind them make it easier than ever to start, own and manage a profitable business. But it's no longer about how good your product is. It's about how well you target a niche and whether or not you leverage technology to engage that niche consistently and in a fun way.
Products are important, yes. But more than ever, they are just window dressing. People want stories, they want interaction. They want to know you, to root for you. They want to see you in all your authentic-ness.They want to be engaged, treasured and valued. They want to be heard. They want to hear you.
Make Up Your Mind
So ditch the double mind. Either keep your day job and enjoy your side hobby or devote the time you must to your real job and pull out the stops in your off hours to turn your passion into a profitable venture.
Think it can't be done? Think again, and enjoy these Indie Stories to inspire you.
Maria Noel Groves, Writer and Herbalist
Jill Bredow, AllyZabba Baby Blankets
Rebecca Picard, Photographer
Tammy Doering, Dead Sea Bulk Materials
Jacci Thompson-Dodd, Author