40 is the new 20, which makes me 24.
While I am The New 24, my eyes are painfully unaware of the latest sociological perspectives. So my dear friend and fellow Indie Business owner Kevin told me I needed some reading glasses. He had a pair with green frames, and they looked pretty hip so I tried them on and then picked up a copy of a nearby newspaper.
I was dizzy for a few seconds and then enjoyed the written word from a whole new perspective. These are the spur of the moment, unplanned pictures my husband took to memorialize the moment.
All hail the mature Indie Business owner! Age is irrelevant so long as your passion remains in tact and you have something of value to offer others.
I was so smitten that Kevin ended up giving me his glasses. My husband, who is The New 25, promptly swiped them.
Are you a mature Indie Business owner whose passion will outlive your eyes and possibly other body parts? What passion? What body partis? Tell me about it!