With nearly 25 years of experience leading the Indie Business Network and coaching and consulting other entrepreneurs, I've had an intimate look into the workings of thousands of businesses. And here are some things I know for sure. Growing a business does not have to be hard. The truth is that many people think more than they focus and take action. This makes things harder. Another thing that makes things harder is that people tend to be easily distracted.

Running a business becomes easier and more joyful when you stop thinking so much and start taking more action. It becomes easier to take action when you become more focused.
You become more focused when you have a coach to help you eliminate distractions and take specific steps in the direction of your vision and goals. You become more focused at a Focus Meeting.
What is a Focus Meeting?
A Focus Meeting is a 15-minute private session to help you identify and clarify your “why”or an important core value or goal, map out a realistic vision or strategy to achieve that goal, or provide valuable quick accountability, affirmation, or direction.
We can accomplish a lot more than you might think in 15 short minutes, and you'll be on your way with the mindset reset you need to slay the rest of your day!
Your Focus Meeting includes a week of follow-up email consultation!
Schedule your Focus Meeting Today!
Click here to schedule your Focus Meeting. If a Focus Meeting is not enough for you, you can select a One-Hour Strategy Consultation, or, to make more in-depth and long-term progress in your life and your business, Select our Six Month In-Depth Coaching Program!