Summer means sun, soaring temps, and sadly—stinky sweat! But you’ve probably had it up to here 💁♀️ with questionable ingredients like aluminum soaking into your underarms. You’re in luck: these all-natural deodorants know how to bust B.O. without the icky additives!

These makers turn to all-natural stink-stoppers like baking soda, aluminum, and plant powders. So if you’re looking to retire your drugstore roll-on, here are 9 all-natural deodorants we can’t get enough of!
Freshen Up With These All-Natural Deodorants That Really Work
Stank Stop
Maker: Cassy Burnvoth
FATCO isn’t afraid of the hard truth: armpits can really stink up your summer! Show them some extra love with this Paleo-certified deodorant. It’s powered by aluminum-free baking soda, along with tallow and shea butter to keep skin smooth.

Colorado Aromatics (CO)
Chalk Creek Deodorant Powder
Maker: Cindy Jones
This herbal deodorant blends baking soda, cornstarch, and finely ground herbs for a one-two punch of odor and moisture beaters. To use, just sprinkle a bit into your palm and apply to trouble areas. Because it’s powder-based, you can even freshen up workout-whiffy shoes with a few shakes!

“[This deodorant] keeps the pits (or wherever else you put it) dry and smelling wonderful!”
Good Flower Farm (TN)
Charcoal Citrus Deodorant
Maker: Rachel Carpenter
Wave bye-bye to the suspicious ingredients in big-box deodorants. Good Flower Farm sweetens stinky pits naturally with arrowroot powder, magnesium hydroxide, and a bevy of essential oils. Plus, the simple push-pop-style tube makes it an eco-friendly option!

Smarty Pits (OR)
Coconut Mango
Maker: Stacia Guzzo
Flip the script on traditional deodorant fragrances with this sunny, tropical delight! Coconut and sweet mango entwine for an unexpectedly scented odor ouster. Fancy a baking soda-free version? Smarty Pits powers an alternate blend with magnesium.

“Love, love this deodorant!” celebrates one buyer. “Feels good, smells good, leaves no pit stains!”
Briut Essentials (FL)
Organic Deodorant
Maker: Sharone Farahan
Banish odor-prone bacteria with this pH-balancing blend from Briut Essentials. Instead of a tube, it comes as a luscious cream. Just rub a pea-sized drop under your arms and prepare to seize a stank-free day!

Cris's Blends (FL)
Citrus & Tea Natural Deodorant
Maker: Christina Black
Enjoy your summer funk-free with this bright citrus and tea blend! No baking soda here: plant powders, clay, and minerals lead the charge of banishing foul odors. The zero-waste cardboard packaging makes it an environmentally-friendly pick.

Play Pits (GA)
Maker: Chantel Powell
Overwhelmed by her house full of young athletes, Play Pits formulated her own underarm odor-buster. Feel free to swipe this stick on stinky kids and teens—the happy lemon scent is great for the whole family!

Ology Essentials (TN)
CBD Deodorant
Maker: Kayla Fioravanti
The CBD mavens at Ology Essentials combine essential oils with hemp CBD for a skin-soothing formula that freshens funky pits. Use it as a cologne or perfume—it comes in two light and summer-fresh aromas.

Bubbly Moon Naturals (NY)
Vegan Cream Deodorant
Maker: Marshalla Ramos-Inde
This cream-based deodorant casts away odors using vegan, plant-based ingredients. Pick from four scents like Patchouli or Lemongrass, or go fully fragrance-free. The ultra-lush formulation works double-time to keep skin smooth and hydrated, too.

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