While I run my business almost entirely online, I am surprisingly awful with computers. I am particularly terrible at using traditional software programs like PhotoShop to edit and load clear, quality images to my websites and blog without pulling out all of my hair (or what's left of it since I whacked it off earlier this month).

Enter Kim Baron, my website designer at Fallen Muse WebWorks. Kim could probably support herself entirely on my constant need for help with online imaging, yet she graciously told me about Picnik. Now, I can do it all by myself, and so can you. And just so you know how good I am at it, I turned a boring and pixelated photo of my son into the one you now see here in about 5 minutes by cropping the picture and then editing it so everything is colorful and properly sized for this blog post. How cute is he?! (I also chose the option to round the edges but for some reason, that feature would not save as a part of the photo.)
So here's the tip: If you're a small business owner who is struggling to crop, resize or otherwise refine a good quality photo for your website, newsletter, blog or other online application, try Picnik. The service is in the beta testing stage which means they are getting out the kinks and eventually, we will have to pay for some of the options. But for now it's free, and Indies love FREE. It's like buddah! Check it out and let me know what you think.