The first week of spring means I can make more videos outside, yippee! This week was my first one back after a week of travel. I'm excited to be home for the next several weeks, as my next travel is not until May.

I am really enjoying making these #IndieBusinessTips videos for you. Before I get to this week's tips, I want to thank some of the people who are telling me that they love them too! Here are some of the comments via the Indie Business Network Facebook Page.
- Donna DeRosa at Donna De Rosa Coaching in California said: “These video tips are such a great idea. I'm glad you're doing them.”
- Felicia Louis Beavers said: “Thank you for all your great tips! I really love this tip about social media! I have such an uncomfortable feeling about it! Your tip is very helpful!”
- Deborah Garnett at Twysted Thystle in Oregon said: “I am super discouraged and so needed to hear that this morning!! :-)”
Monday, March 23, 2015: Don't drink the social media ocean
Tuesday, March 24, 2015: Protect your brand in online forums!
Protect your brand by avoiding negative disagreements in online forums. If your point cannot be made in a positive way, sleep on it and try the next day. By then, the urge to speak may have passed anyway.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015: Go ahead, innovate! You got this!
Try new things. The richest and most productive times of growth in my life materialized when I took a calculated risk on something new. Go ahead. Innovate! You got this!
Thursday, March 26, 2015: Do not negotiate your retail prices
Do not get into negotiations with people over your retail prices. Make it convenient for them to buy, but do not haggle. Calculate your price, charge your price and target the customers who want to pay it.
Friday, March 27, 2015: No agreement, no deal!
Don't become prematurely excited when you begin preliminary discussions about a new collaborative opportunity. Until the ink is dry on an agreement, there is no deal. Spell out and agree to every detail before committing your resources.
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Here are some of the ways you can get my #IndieBusinessTips delivered to you each weekday!
1. Follow on Instagram, and binge on dozens at once on Instagram by searching for the #IndieBusinessTips hash tag!
2. Subscribe to the Indie Business TV on YouTube
It sure is fun doing these, and I hope you like them.
Are these fun and helpful to you? Let me know what topics interest you for my 15-second #IndieBusinessTips. I love the challenge to be relevant in 15 seconds or less!