Last week, I introduced you to Andrea Hence Evans, Esq., one of our speakers for #IndieCruise Mastermind 2015. Today, I am pleased to introduce you to Kismet Andrews, another successful creative entrepreneur whom you will hear from, and dine with, on #IndieCruise Mastermind 2015. Kismet launched Bar Maids in 2001, and joined IBN in 2009. You will love what she is preparing to share with you on our annual Caribbean retreat.

Kismet's #IndieCruise Mastermind 2015 presentation is Unleash Your Personal Brand: Show Off Your Brand at Fairs, Trade Shows and Markets!, and you do not want to miss it. If you're already ready to climb aboard, then just click here to register NOW!
Show Off Your Passion at Fairs, Trade Shows and Markets!
As you may recall from this post, the theme for #IndieCruise Mastermind 2014 is Unleash Your Awesome!
While pretty much all Makers and Handmade Entrepreneurs maintain at least one website where their products can be purchased, not everyone is showing off their passion in a physical sense at trade shows, fairs and markets. Kismet says this can be a big mistake, and on #IndieCruise, she's going to show you how to do it with style … and in ways that create opportunities for more SALES … and that's why we are here, right? Right, so let's go.
Yes! Be A Show Off!
Kismet says, don't just sit behind your computer and wait for the sales to come to you. Go out and get them!
Kismet knows shows
Kismet does a lot of shows. Trade shows, gift shows, market shows, fair shows … you name the kind of show, and Kismet sells her products there. But Kismet does not just do any old shows.
Oh, no.
Kismet researches which shows are best for her products. She learns about the people who buy the kinds of products she sells, and then she stalks them (in a legal kind of way) to find out where they shop. And she uses that information to find the venues where she knows her products will sell like hotcakes.
Kismet knows shows. Here's what she says.
Every show you do is so much more than a show. It's an event. You’re engaged in events all the time. Taking a shower in the morning is an event, talking to a customer on the phone is an event, saying thank you to the mailman is an event, ordering your favorite coffee is an event. Make everything you do an event, especially your shows and markets, and you cannot go wrong.
Join us for a Trunk Show on a Boat
Have you ever been to a trunk show? Maybe.
Have you even been to a trunk show on a cruise ship? I think not.
Well, here is your big chance. Kismet promises a floating trunk show of ideas you can use the moment you step back on dry land. Her trunk is packed full of what she has learned in over a decade in business, plus organizational tools, and tips and tricks to help you travel to your shows “light on the cheap.”
You'll get Kismet's personal experience direct and up front with a dose of her unique philosophy. (Circuses and monkeys anyone? (That's a private cruise joke …))
You'll add Kismet's “three W’s and an H” of decision making to your event tool belt so you can make informed decisions about which shows to do and how to do them.
Not only will Kismet give you the tools, but she'll also be there to help you find, explore, and choose the best markets and shows for your particular business.
Meet Kismet!
Learn more about Kismet and her business at her website, and follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
Snorkeling and Sunshine
The best part? You'll do all of this while relaxing in crystal clear blue Caribbean waters.
Come snorkel and learn with us!
Kismet and I are ready to roll out the red carpet for you.
Register for #IndieCruise NOW
Ready to uplevel your personal brand?
Of course you are!
Register for #IndieCruise at this link.
See you on board!
Best and Success!