Do you like glitter? Of course you do. Do you have nails? Yes again, right? What do you get when you have glitter and nails? You put them together of course, to create nail polish with glitter in it. Here is a screen shot from a recent news story where FOX5Vegas A.M. Anchor Monica Jackson and her guest, Yvette Masterson, showcase handmade nail polish from our member, KBShimmer Bath And Body in Terra Haute, Indiana.

Couldn't your nails use a little bling? It is the holidays after all, and 'tis the season to sparkle. Glitter and metallic colors in nail enamel are among the top nail trends of the season, and when it's handmade and DIY, it's even better of course.
Visit Christy Rose and KB Shimmer
Get your nail bling on at KB Shimmer's website, and visit them on Facebook and Twitter.
The news segement first appeared here. News stations typically rotate segments, so a different segment may appear by the time you read this post.