Hi Everyone!! That's me in my “cool shades” taking a break from the hassle of moving day. My daughter is the photographer. You can see her in my lens!
Yes! I said “moving day.” That's right. We've moved again. Last year, we moved from our hometown of Washington, DC to a town called Waxhaw, south of Charlotte, North Carolina. We rented for a year to give ourselves time to look around and find the perfect community for us. We found it a few months ago, and today is moving day. This time, we are going to stay a while. Yesterday, we relocated our home and office to a new location 3.5 miles away. My husband has a separate detached office space and I have a “real” home office again. (I gave it up for 9 months when we first moved because the house we rented didn't have the space).
We enjoyed fantastic service from a moving company here in Charlotte. Five really nice guys spent the day hauling our stuff. They were polite and courteous. Indies can take a tip from the conversation we had as they reviewed our invoice and gave us a price. After running down the details, Chad, the “team leader,” told us that the total price “did not include a gratutiy, if you feel one is deserved.”
I really don't like it when service providers make it seem like you have to give them a gratuity even if they have been rude or provided lousy service. That's why it was so refreshing when Chad acknowledged that the gratuity was expected only if we felt it was deserved. It was! Fantastic service and a gracious attitude! What's not to like?! My husband collapsed with relief when we finally got the last box in! Now for all the unpacking …
If you are in North or South Carolina and need a moving company, I highly recommend Act of Class.