If you've already heard the exciting news and are ready to join Indie Business now, then join here!
I am thrilled to reveal that we have launched two new tiers of Indie Business membership.
As you may know, we celebrated Indie Business's 20th anniversary last year. As pioneers in the world of membership-based business models, we have become expert at building community and creating private networking, personal development, and entrepreneurial growth opportunities around common goals, focus, ethics, and vision. We have successfully created a solid membership of nearly 2,000 people that serves one specific type of entrepreneur: American Makers.

That will continue. In fact, it will never change. We serve American Makers, period.
Over the years, Indie Business membership has become more diverse, leading to opportunities to serve in even more niche ways. To that end, we are excited today to announce the addition of two new tiers of Indie Business membership that will allow us to serve differently situated Makers in ways that address their needs more specifically.
Our three membership tier options are briefly described below. Each is an annual subscription. We do not offer refunds, but you can cancel at any time of course. If you already know which tier is for you, click to join! We would love to serve you.
About the Indie Business Maker FREE Tier
The Indie Business Maker FREE membership tier is designed to serve you if you are just starting to noodle entrepreneurial ideas. Perhaps the pandemic has awakened you to the reality that you should have income outside of a traditional job, but you don't know what to do next. Or maybe you have always known you wanted a business, but you are having a hard time choosing the best option because there are so many good ones to choose from. Or perhaps you have given away handmade products as gifts, and your friends have asked you to make more so they can buy them.
Whatever the case, if you are new to the idea of business ownership, and want to dip your toe in the water before diving in, Indie Business Maker FREE membership is for you.
Here are three highlights of the Indie Business Maker FREE membership:
- A listing in our member directory, which backlinks to you
- The opportunity to build your network and make money by teaching classes at Indie Business School. (We pay our members to teach!)
- Weekly PepTalk Affirmation emails from Donna Maria, Indie Business founder and CEO
Click to learn more and become an Indie Business Maker FREE member.
About the Indie Business Maker MEMBER Tier
The Indie Business Maker MEMBER membership tier is the one we have maintained for 20 years. This membership tier is the core of our membership and is probably the one most suited for most Makers.
You are ready to make some waves. You are either well on your way to launch, or you have been in business for one to five years. Your growth is steady, and sales increase on a monthly basis. You are starting to see patterns in your business that make it easier for you organize your time and your priorities. You are working diligently, but that “deer-in-headlights” stare is gone and you no longer feel like you are at the mercy of outside forces to grow your business. You're committed, and ready to dive in, grow sales, and build your core brand.
If this describes you, our Maker MEMBER tier is an awesome place for you to begin your entrepreneurial journey.
With the Maker MEMBER tier, you get everything that comes with Maker FREE membership, plus
- Access to affordable product liability insurance for handmade soaps, cosmetics, candles, wax melts, jewelry, food, beverages, pottery, esthetician services, massage therapy and more
- 24/7 access to our private entrepreneurial discussion and mastermind group where you enjoy dwelling among a community of serious entrepreneurial makers who get you, and who inspire and uplift you when you need it most
- Live weekly virtual Open Office Hours and Q+A with award-winning entrepreneur, Donna Maria, Indie Business founder and CEO
Click to learn more and become an Indie Business Maker MEMBER member.
About the Indie Business Maker PRO Tier
The Indie Business Maker PRO membership tier, formerly known as the Maker Mastermind Business Incubator, is our membership for you if you are ready to scale. This is where you want to be if you have an established brand with consistent sales, and you are ready to delegate as much as possible and build a team so you can be free to explore additional complementary business opportunities.
You are ready to build your team, and add multiple income streams, memberships, subscriptions, and programs. You getting requests to speak, consult, and/or write books. You see these inquiries as the naturally occurring fruit of your core brand, and you are ready to capitalize on them.
If you are ready to scale, then our Maker PRO tier is the one for you.
Here are three highlights of the Indie Business the Maker PRO membership:
With the Maker PRO tier, you get everything that comes with Maker MEMBER membership, plus
- A customized Maker PRO Entrepreneur Vision and Goals app so you can track projects and goals, and hold yourself accountable
- Your very own Quarterly Indie Business Planner, delivered to your front door every 90 days (starting April 2021)
- A complimentary ticket to Indie Business LIVE, our annual in-person mastermind event (held virtually if COVID-19 restrictions require it)
Click to learn more and become an Indie Business Maker PRO member.
Join us!
If you are not a member of Indie Business, what are you waiting for? Check out our membership tiers and select the one that's right for you today!
Questions for discussion and sharing
We are so honored to travel with you on this creative and life changing journey called entrepreneurship. Is it easy for you to determine which tier of membership is best for you at this time? Do share below, and if you have any questions, just ask and we'll answer personally in the comments.
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