My eight year old daughter is far more organized than I was at her age. She likes to make lists. In fact, on Friday nights, she often makes a list of all the things everyone in the house needs to do on the following Saturday. Much of the time, the lists focus on toys she wants us to buy, television shows she wants to watch or friends she wants to play with. But this past Saturday, the list was different.
As I read her list, I a lump begin to form in my throat because it reminded me of all the things I want to teach her, and also of how I fall short as a mom. I taped them to the refrigerator. I smile each time I see them, so I thought I would share them with you.
- Respect others.
- Try not to yell.
- Do not fight.
- Have fun.
- Take a break from the computer.
- Mommy help clean up. (I don't like this one …)
- Figure stuff out.
- Play fair.
- Go to bed on time.
- Don't disturb anyone.
- Love each other.
I am so in love with that little girl.
Question: I think she covered most everything we need, not only around here, but also in life. What do you think?