Nearly 24 years ago, I left a fantastic career track in corporate America to launch the Indie Business Network. Everyone I knew thought I had lost my mind. At the time, it was a disaster of epic proportions to be fired or laid off, and no one was quitting their job — even if they were miserably unhappy. What a difference a quarter century makes! Today, people are following in my footsteps so to speak, leaving traditional jobs in droves to embrace a greater sense of freedom, flexibility and fun as they define life and success on their own terms in a business of their own. In 25 years, I have never looked back. Perhaps that's why our next Indie Business Book Club pick resonates with me so much. I know it will with you also.

The book is called Nothing is Missing: A Memoir of Living Boldly, and it chronicles the author's journey from quitting her job in 2019 to launching and growing a business of her own.
What you'll learn …
In addition to enjoying a fresh and affirming entrepreneurial perspective, here are some of the things you'll learn by reading this book with us:
- How to embrace the idea that “nothing is missing,” and that you have everything you need in every moment you need it
- Why no one is coming to “save,” you and what you need to do about that
- The difference between quitting your job and hiring yourself
- … and so much more!
Reading Plan
The reading plan progresses in our private Entrepreneur Member Facebook Group.
The graphic below displays our easy reading schedule.

About Nicole Walters
Nicole Walters is a podcaster, entrepreneur and self proclaimed “boss mom” who went viral when she quit her job live on social media in 2019. Since then, she's built a successful motivational speaking business, launched several entrepreneurial training programs and started her own TV show.
Follow Nicole Walters on Instagram.
Purchase Nothing Is Missing
Buy this and other Indie Business Book Club picks at IBN's Amazon shop.
Of course, you can also purchase the book at your favorite local book store or check it out of your local library.
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