What? Prayer?! Where Did That Come From?
Have you ever felt lead to do something and you're not sure how to respond? Something inside keeps nagging at you, and it won't let up. Yet there's a voice inside you that says, "You can't do that. People would think you were nuts."
For many months, I have felt an unmistakable drive to pray specifically for small business owners from all walks of life. Over the past few months, the feeling has intensified because people have called and emailed me to share some personal and business growing pains, and have asked me to send them some good thoughts and prayers.
I've done so, and decided to take it a step further. Every Sunday (well, maybe not every), I will select a topic of importance to people who are juggling home and business. I will pray about it that week and share it here at my blog.
Prayer of the Week: For Financial Peace
Motivational speakers and television show hosts can't seem to stop telling us that we should be making millions. It's almost like, if a business isn't grossing millions annually, it doesn't count for anything. In the face of this kind of pressure, it's hard to be content with what you have.
My prayer this week is that we will all pause to be thankful for whatever we have in your bank accounts. As small business owners, we have the ability to manage money in a way that creates new money. With hard work and dilligence, we have the talent, gifts and passion to turn every dollar into two dollars, and grow from there.
This week, may we be grateful for our financial resources, whether large or small. May we put every dollar to good use, not wasting a penny, but responsibly investing what is necessary to provide for ourselves, our families and our businesses. And may our efforts be blessed. Money is important, but it doesn't make us important.
"He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income." Ecclesiastes 5:10
What Do You Think?
Is this weird? I gotta tell you, it feels weird. But I'm following a spiritual leading from deep inside my heart, and whenever I do that, good things happen. What would you like prayer about? Anything? Nothing?
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