I hope you all had a wonderful week! For me here in Charlotte, it was a huge relief just to enjoy temperatures below 90°F. We've had some scorchers here lately and the cooler temperatures are more than welcome. Fall is my favorite time of year, and I love the chill in the air. Speaking of fall, football time is here so of course I had to show you a picture of my little running back. That's him in the red, and the move he's doing with his right arm on the boy trying to tackle him is called a “strong arm.” So that's all I know about that.

(He ran this in for a touchdown, by the way.) I'm already thinking about all the fun things I'll get to do outside now that I won't melt in the process. Since my son plays on his elementary school football team and my daughter is a junior high school cheer leader, I'll surely get my fill of football. I'm also enjoying all of the fall-themed goodness that is finding its way into our social media stream. Here's a sampling of a few of my favorites.
From top left, clockwise:
- Make your own autumn leaves garland: Fake leaves, glue and glitter. Done. I wonder how a few of them would look hanging from the chandelier over my dining room table. Hmmm …
- Caramel cheesecake apple dip: I haven't made it yet, but OMG, I swear, I so want to. Does all the cream cheese count if I eat the whole apple? I think it would be good with just a dollop of peanut butter too. OK, time for something more healthy …
- Hello September: If any one can tell me where this spot is, I want to go there.
Did you know that Indie Business Network is on Instagram? More importantly, our members are over there in spades, and they get get sales there too. Of course that's not the only reason to be there, but it's sure a great incentive. They post the most amazing pictures of the products they make and the places they go. Here are some of the latest ‘grams from our members.
From top left, clockwise:
- Pumpkin Sparkle Stones from Sparklefly Candles
- Cirque Colors antique gold polish with rainbow holographic (available online on September 25, 2014)
- Sample perfumes from Providence Perfume Company
- Funk butter all-natural deodorant from Oyin Handmade
When I find useful business and success insights on Twitter, I share them. In case you missed them, here are a few of my favorites from this week.
- Using “roundup posts” (like this one!) to flesh out your content marketing strategy.
- A great reminder that, at the end of the day, who we become matters a lot more than what we achieve.
- Earlier today, I purchased some birthday cards for my kids to give to their friends. As I made my selection, I reminded myself that I need to teach them to express gratitude for good friends on a regular basis, and not just on their birthdays. I admit that I have not always been the best examples of this. This graphic and quote attributed to Marcel Proust, helped me remember this week.
I hope you have a super weekend, and that the weather is beautiful where you are, as it is here. I really have a lot of work to do, but at least for tomorrow, I plan to be with my kiddos all day. Guess what we'll be doing? Correct-o!! Cheering and playing football. I might post a pic or two on my personal Instargram so stop by if you get a sec.
Best and Success!