I did not feel like running this afternoon, so I put if off until the evening. I did not feel like running this evening either, so I Tweeted about it. Shortly after, marathon runner Laura McClain Tweeted thisreply. So, I ran anyway. I would be lying if I said I feel fantastic after tonight's run. I really don't — at least my body doesn't feel so great. I'm not in any pain or anything like that. In fact, the run went smoothly and my pace was better than yesterday. My body just feels sluggish and ugh. Ever feel that way after a run?
I love how RunKeeper (see video) stores my runs. As you can see from the screen shot, it includes calories burned, distance, speed, pace, and a bunch of other stuff. It feels good to immediately see what I've accomplished in such tangible terms. It makes me even happier that I listened to my head instead of my body tonight, and went for a run even though I didn't feel like it. Here are the stats from tonight's run:
- Weather. 69°F and clear with a lovely light breeze.
- Location. Optimist Park soccer fields
- Distance. 2.02 miles
- Calories. 185
- Time. 8:04pm
- Run Time. 31:35 minutes
- Average Pace. 15.38 minutes/mile (better pace than yesterday; I think it's because I really wanted it to be over tonight).
- Playlist. Birds tweeting, crickets chirping, God speaking
- Condition. Full. That's the only way I can describe it. I ate too much yesterday and I'm paying for it today in the sluggishness I feel, and in my attitude towards tonight's run.
Question: When you run after you eat too much, how do you feel? Does the desire to avoid that feeling help you eat more healthfully?