Since launching Indie Beauty's new social networking site, dozens of Indie Brand Communities have formed and close to 600 people have joined to connect, share and do business with IBN members. It is so exciting to be a part of a community that is buzzing with activity, where men and women (yes, mostly women but men can be Indie too — my husband's a member!!) come together in the spirit of collaboration, kindness, learning, sharing and knock down, drag out fun!!
At the site you can enjoy hundreds of member product photos that make it easy and fun for you to do business with members. You can also watch fun videos and enjoy a vibrant Discussion Forum where we talk about everything from industry trends to how to build a more successful business. One of the questions I'm seeing a lot about the site is, "Who are those lovely Indies in the banner header?" Well, let me introduce you to them, from left to right after the lovely Indie Beauty Nework logo.
TikoSoy brand candles are made by Tiffany Kolbe of Boulder City, Nevada. She says her candles offer amazing fragrances with incredible depth with top, middle and bottom notes to arouse your senses. Tiffany has been an IBN member since February 2007. I know it's shallow, but I always remember Tiffany because she has a picture of herself with one of my favorite actors: Wayne Brady. I know, so shallow. You can enjoy her Indie Candy Feature at this link.
Valerie Reed owns Valana Minerals in San Marcos, California where she creates all natural mineral and vegan makeup formulated for women of color. Valerie hit the ground running at the new site by immediately setting up her Indie Brand Page to serve as a media kit. Check it out to get some ideas for your own media kit. I'll always remember Valer for how she took the bull by the horns when the site launched and put it to work for her business right out of the box. Valerie has been a member of IBN since 2007. Enjoy Valerie's Indie Candy Feature at this link.
Me and Anne-Marie are pictured together. "A-M," as I affectionately call her, owns BrambleBerry in Bellingham, Washington, where she supplies fragrances, colors, molds, flavor oils and more. A-M accompanied me to Capitol Hill earlier this year to advocate against the FDA Globalization Act of 2008 in the form in which it was originally drafted. In fact, this picture was taken in Senator John Kerry's office. "A-M," as I affectionately call her, has been a member and strong supporter of IBN's work since June 2001. She was on Martha Stewart radio a few weeks ago.
Kayla Fioravanti is co-owner of Portland, Oregon-based Essential Wholesale, one of IBN's first members since joining in September 2000, and a strong supporter of my efforts to encourage Indie Business ownership. Kayla mangesthe business with her husband and business partner, Dennis. Their private label cosmetics company has been named one of INC's fastest growing companies for the past two years straight. Enjoy my interview with Dennis and Kayla on Indie Business Radio.
Soapylove is featured by way of one of Debbie Chialtas' fabulous soap pops. Debbie's background as an artist is clearly reflected in these creative soap pop sickles that are the greatest gifts for kids. Soapylove has been a member of IBN since October 2007. She has done incredible things with her business while she also mothers toddlers from her home in San Diego, California.
Ellen Lange is a mom and a skincare specialist who owns and manages a spa in New Jersey. Ellen's father is an award winning plastic surgeon and Ellen has devleoped some popular treatments that serve as alternatives to surgey.
Goddess Garden is the line of products made by Nova Covington-Halter in Longmont, Colorado. The pictured product is a lavender scented body candle that sets a mood and serves as a moisturizer. Nova joined IBN in November and say that her products are a reflection of a natural lifestyle she adopted growing up in the wilderness in Oregon and Canada. Enjoy Nova's Indie Candy Feature at this link.
Angela Kim of Om Aroma in New York City joined IBN for the second time in September 2008. She has a spa line called "sexy green," and, along with her husband, she also manages the Savor The Success community for woman entrepreneurs. Enjoy Angela's Indie Candy Feature at this link.
Dawn Weeber of Vintage Sister in Moline, Illinois makes all kinds of lip balms. Dawn, who has been an IBN member since March 2008, designed her retro-themed product labels herself, and says her lip balms are "full of flavor and attitude."
Ghislaine Berube owns Casco Bay Gardens in Portland, Maine, where she makes natural products for her popular her "Lobersterman's" line. She says that if her products can help a lobsterman's skin, imagine what they can do for yours! You can enjoy Ghislaine's Indie Candy Feature at this link.
What do you think?
Are you as inspired by these people as I am? Have you visited the new site? I am having the time of my life meeting Indies from all over, watching them do amazing things and getting ideas to help make all of he Indie Beauty websites even better. I'd love your thoughts, questions, insights and suggestions for what I can do to help you enjoy it al more! Share your ideas in the comments section below.
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