It was exactly sixteen years ago that I took responsibility for my own life. The first step in doing this was creating a business that could afford my sons and me financial independence."
So wrote Paula in the introduction to a chapter from her cookbook, Paula Deen & Friends: Living It Up Southern Style. As if that's not reason enough to love Paula, here's more.
1. Paula's Legacy Extends To Her Children. Paula's sons Bobby and Jamie have their own television show. Anything's possible but I doubt that would have happened had Paula not paved the way. Paula's use of her talents translated into opportunities for her children. What a legacy.
2. Paula Is Inspiring. After dealing with chronic agoraphobia for years, Paula battled to take back her life. After a divorce, the suddenly single dynamo began whipping up southern style lunches for her local business community and tapped her young sons as delivery men. Her story reminds us of what fantastic things we can accomplish when we put our God given gifts to work for the good of all.
3. Paula Appeared On My Little Bitty Radio Show. There are lots of other reasons to love Paula, but this one ranks big time in my book. One day, I picked up the phone called Paula's restaurant, introduced myself and asked for the name of the person who could help me book Paula as a guest on Indie Business Radio. I was shocked when a few emails later, Paula accepted my invitation. I had her all to myself for an hour. It was a real treat — like chatting with your best girlfriend over a good cuppa Joe.
If you ever feel discouraged and like dumping your Indie Business on your worst enemy just for spite, your frown will be turned upside down if you enjoy the audio stream from my interview with Paula.
Don't you just love Paula?