My business coach is challenging me to create new mantras to help me achieve in different ways. Working hard is good, and I do that. But she tells me that, by repeating mantras or short phrases throughout the day, I will work smarter and be more effective. It's kind of like positive thinking, but with a twist because you are not just thinking. You are confirming and committing to specific thoughts that are then translated into actions.
I'm starting with 5 specific mantras, and I decided to get my kids in on the act. On the way to school this morning, each of us chose a mantra. We repeated our mantra and each other's mantras. In this way, we can hold each other accountable, and benefit from each other's ideas. Since I have two kids, have them repeat their mantras, and mine, is a great way to give them three mantras instead of just one! Here are the mantras we shared, and repeated to and for each other:
I do my best to be my best. This is my 9-year old daughter's mantra. She tends to move through schoolwork very quickly, and this causes her to miss things. For example, she sometimes rushes to read and answer a question, but the answer is incorrect because she missed a nuance in the question because she read it so quickly. For her, doing her best translates into taking her time so she can produce a better result.
I am focused. This is my 7-year old son's mantra. There are so many stimulating and exciting things in the world of a 7-year old boy. It must be challenging to harness all of that curiosity and energy long enough to accomplish a school-related task. Repeating, “I am focused,” while he is in mid-task may help him make the decision to stay focused so he can do a good job and then enjoy the reward of moving onto something he'd rather be doing, like going out to recess or reading his new airplane fighter book.
I will make decisions that empower me. This is the mantra I shared. For me, it translates into things like choosing the low calorie salad dressing, or making progress on a specific business goal instead of chasing a fun conversation down a Twitter rabbit hole.
I am going to check in with my kids after school today to see if their mantras made any difference. I will also check in with myself. I have a feeling that having my children involved will motivate me more. I hope that they will encourage each other and adopt each other's mantras too. I enjoy teaching them that even mommies have to work to stay motivated and on task.
It's great to my children by my example, and not just with my words. I think it sends a strong message of self-reliance and responsibility, plus it gives them permission to hold me accountable for my actions. I'll let you know how it goes!
Question: What are your mantras? How do they help you achieve?