I have posted previously about how important it is to get out and connect personally with people in your local community. Today, I proved my point again. I met Carmen Silva at the Ballantyne Biz Meetup, and with the other ladies at our table, we helped Carmen launch a new business. It took about 15 minutes. Here's how it happened.
Carmen (pictured), who has been marinating on different ideas to start a business, shared her excitement at having lost 40 pounds. Carmen enjoys running, but is a bit intimidated by traditional running groups because she does not run fast and she does not run for long distances. As I, along with Katie Sherman (a social media enthusiast) and Lindsay Wynne (a portrait photographer) bounced ideas off each other, Katie said, “Well, you could start a meetup for runners, and call it a “runup!”
We spent the next 15 minutes helping Carmen reserve CltRunup and the #cltrunup hashtag. We also helped her brainstorm about specific ways she can create a niche, expand the idea over time, and make it profitable. I can't tell you everything we suggested because I don't want to give away any of the amazing marketing ideas we shared. I'll keep you posted at Carmen makes it happen.
So, next time you think you don't have time for a local meetup, consider the business inspiration you may be missing out on.
Follow Katie Sherman, Lindsay Wynne, and Carmen. Use hash tags linked here to follow Ballantyne Biz and CltRunup. Read Carmen's weight loss blog too!
Question: What do you get out of going to local meetups? If you haven't been to one in a while, are you going to change that?