I love teaching people how to use video and other digital technologies to create relationships and expand their sphere of influence. Every training session is fun and I always learn something new. But this morning's session was especially entertaining, and I captured it on this video because it was recorded live on Twitcam. Note the “dear-in-the-headlights” look when the video starts. Then note the “shock-and-awe” look when my client realizes that he's live on Internet TV. And that it actually works.
(If you are reading this post via email or an RSS reader and can’t see this video, then click here).
I thought it was too funny to pass up sharing with you. And I have to thank Dwayne Bond, my pastor, friend and client, for letting me share his shock and awe with you. Oh, and let me apologize in advance if the video skips or automatically loads when you land on this page. As I've reported before, Twitcam is great, but it still has a few kinks to work out.
Question: Did this video make you laugh? What funny social media experiences can you share?