Since I launched Indie Business Blog nearly 4 months ago, I have received many questions from Indies who want to know if blogging can enhance their business, and if so, how to get started. Let's begin with a high level look at the benefits of blogging for business.
1. Your blog keeps lines of communication open with customers. A blog is a conversation tool that makes it fun and easy to talk with your customers and clients and is easier to update than a traditional website. If someone enjoys your blog, chances are they will also enjoy other things you have to offer.
2. Your blog improves your search enging rankings. Regular and relevant blog posts cause people to visit frequently and this improves search engine rankings and makes your business more visible. The more you link within and to and from your blog, the better.
3. Your blog brands your company. Branding is doing things that translate into valuable head space for your company in other people's heads. When people enjoy interesting content at your blog, you create a valuable patch of real estate in their heads and they are more likely to buy from you and refer their friends.
4. Your blog creates new business opportunities. I have enjoyed each of the following as a direct result of blogging: speaking invitations, radio show interviews, “insider” media preview opportunities, invitations to participate in studies that are relevant to my market, contracts to help other people launch and maintain blogs. Plus I've met a lot of nice people.
5. Your blog is a great creative outlet. We Indies are creative. We are easily bored and need constant stimulation in order to thrive. Every day that you blog is a day during which you can express your creativity in a fun and unique way.
Having said all this, blogging is not for everyone. To determine whether blogging will be a waste of your time, click here.
If you are a blogger, feel free to share your blogging tips in the comments.