In an ongoing effort to add even more value to our social networking site, I am excited to announce the addition of Tweetboard! Through Tweetboard, you can initiate discussions by logging into Twitter using the site-wide “tweets” tab on the left of the site. Clicking on “tweets” opens a popout Twitter application that you can use just like Twitter. It looks like this.
This addition makes it easy to start a new conversation that can create immediate engagement from your Twitter followers. The conversations are automatically threaded so you can see who responded to you when, and what they said. This makes it a useful search tool as well.
I just added it today so let me know what you think and if you notice any bugs. I'm thinking about using it as the chat tool for my radio show. I've been using Savor Chat and that works well. I suppose one of the Tweetboard limitations is that, unlike Savor Chat, Tweetboard encompasses Twitter users but not FaceBook users.
Question: What do you think of Tweetboard at the site? Give it a whirl and let me know what you think. Thanks!