There's an old saying about what happens to people who live in glass houses. It's not good. But when it comes to social media, a glass house can mean new business opportunities, not to mention a whole lot of fun. That's the case with Melanie Notkin, also known as the Savvy Auntie, who credits the transparency that only comes when you live in a glass house with helping her to land a first-of-its-kind social media sponsorship arrangement with a world-wide brand. Melanie was featured last week in the Wall Street Journal after she inked a deal with Disney to Tweet with her Twitter circle about a new Pinocchio movie in exchange for financial consideration, an undisclosed sum of course. Melanie sat down with me a few days ago to share some of the little-known details about the project.
dM: When did you first start Tweeting?
Melanie: December 2007, but I didn