Maker Mastermind Live: Nashville: Emerge was fun and fulfilling! Hosted at Atmalogy on West End Avenue in Nashville, attendees from Tennessee and as far away as Missouri and New Jersey joined me two days of Masterminding, goal setting, business planning, Maker shopping, and fun. For those who don't know, I host Maker Mastermind Live in multiple cities annually to help Makers and Handmade Entrepreneurs STOP MAKING STUFF and START MAKING MONEY. You can get more information here.
We kicked off Maker Mastermind Live: Nashville: Emerge with a delicious Mastermind Dinner at Tin Angel where we all got to know each other a bit and become familiar with each other's dreams and plans. This paved the way for more honest and open networking throughout the weekend.
Here are some of us at the Mastermind Dinner. (Like most restaurants in Nashville, Tin Angel served delicious food … but the lighting did leave much to be desired, so sorry for the weird exposure here.)
After a good night of restful slumber, Day 1, Saturday, was all about the Emerge Phase of my signature Indie Method approach to entrepreneurship. The Emerge Phase consists of nine specific steps that form the basis for a solid business foundation. It's the most important part of setting up your business for success, and the part that most people miss.
We masterminded the morning and afternoon away until it was time to go to Crafty Bastards: Nashville where we enjoyed a bit of retail therapy and the chance to see how other brands displayed their wares and interacted with their customers. Here is some of the stash I picked up at Crafty Bastards in Nashville. (Well, the Cloud of Protection was from 2016's Maker Mastermind Live: San Francisco, but I carry it everywhere with me, and the photographer added it to the grouping.)
On Day 2, we enjoyed masterminding, hot seat coaching, and everyone got one-on-one coaching with me. The most popular issues we strategized on and developed plans for included: identifying a niche target market, finding more time for family and personal life while running a profitable business, using blogs and email newsletters to reach more customers and generate more sales, hosting live events, clarifying brand stories, and long-term business planning.
Everyone put their ideas and action-oriented tasks together into a specific plan for the next 90 days of their business. To facilitate this, not only did we ask each other clarifying questions to get to the heart of specific goals, but we also played my signature Maker Mastermind board game. This game is the most fun you'll ever have planning your business.
As everyone moved around the board, they also completed their business plan. As with “real” entrepreneurship, everyone encountered setbacks and wins along the way. The person who completed their plan first won of course. But the best part is that the game didn't end until every had an executable business plan.
Maker Mastermind got me out of my own head. I was able to get practical strategies, tool and techniques that boosted my business right on the spot!Click To TweetMichelle Campbell, Spice Well Co.
Here is a little of the praise received after Maker Mastermind: Nashville:
A Few More Pictures
You can see lots more pictures of the fun at Maker Mastermind Live website here.
Coming Soon: Maker Mastermind Live: 2018
I will announce the 2018 Maker Mastermind Live Tour in January. I will host four events, one for each of the phases of entrepreneurship in my Indie Method: Emerge, Engage, Evolve, and Expand. Meanwhile, you can see where we are going next, and even submit a request to bring Maker Mastermind Live to your town, at this link!
Special Thanks to our Presenting Sponsor!
Much gratitude and appreciation goes to our Presenting Sponsor, Veracity Insurance Services, for helping me make Maker Mastermind Live: Nashville: Emerge so awesome for everyone!
Click here to request that we bring Maker Mastermind Live to your town next year!
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