At the start of a New Year, it's typical to consider getting rid of the old way of doing things. The logic is that, from a new piece of technology to a new shoe, if something is new, it's also probably better. Hence, we say: "Happy New Year," or "2009 is going to be my year," implying that the new year brings with it better times.
One of the results of this thinking is a plethora of new programs: Join my Platinum Club! Join my Inner Gold Circle! The promise of some new system that will make you rich sounds good. But before you spend a lot of money on the next new precious metal-themed program, remember that no club or inner circle will work unless you first know what your goals are and have at least the beginnings of some strategy to accomplish them.
You have to figure out what you are doing, what contribution you are making. While like-minded people may be able to help you along the way, the desire to achieve something specific is naturally conceived inside of you. No one else can put it there.
You are the foundation. The platinum is within you. Either you know what you want to do or you don't.
Before you waste your power or your money on the next new "Diamond This" or Priceless That," closely examine who's really getting rich. If you decide to fork over your credit card number anyway, make sure you not only know what you are doing for the club (funding its existence). Make sure you know what you want the club to do for you.
Share the platinum within you in the comments section below!