I hardly remember a time when I was not basking in the glow of the Internet and all it has to offer. But for a lot of people, the Internet is still a new and confusing place. This is especially true when it comes to social networking. Here's my best effort as describing social networking to newbies, without making their eyes glaze over. If you like it, feel free to share it with your newbie friends!
Social Networking
Social networking refers to online outlets that connect like-minded people around an idea, movement, brand or theme. Let's examine 3 of the most effective types of social networking outlets, especially ones that can be used by Indie Business owners.
A blog is an online journal recording your thoughts and opinions on everything from your passions to current events. Blogging invites the world to your door and if you have a business, you have to do that. It's one of the easiest, low cost (sometimes no-cost!) and effective ways to engage friends, customers, prospects and other people who care about you and what you are doing. More about blogging.
A micro-blog is where you post short bursts of information to people who sign up to follow your updates. The most powerful blogging tool in the world today is Twitter. To open a free account, log onto Twitter, choose "Join The Conversation," then complete the short form and you're ready. As you participate, you'll grow a following of people who opt to receive your updates and will help you share your news with others. More about Twitter.
Social Networking Sites
Examples of social sites include Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. Benefits include:
- "Friending" people, and vice versa, to expand your sphere of influence
- Cross-posting information between networking sites. For example, my Twitter account is connected to my Facebook account so my Tweets are automatically visible to my contacts there.
- Social sites are digital calling cards. No matter what you do, people can find, friend and refer you with ease.
- Social sites allow people to find and connect wit you 24/7, effectively allowing you to clone yourself, without cloning yourself.
Social networking is like life in that it's valuable not only because of what you do, but because of what others do with you. That's what life is all about. And that's what social networking is all about.
It's just that simple.