We're having a fun discussion on FaceBook about FaceBook's change from “Fan Pages” to “Like Pages.” Love it or hate it? Join the discussion and share your thoughts (and see why I think FaceBook will one day start charging your business for a Fan Page). While “Like” becoming “Fan,” seems like a big change, the good news is that FaceBook did not change other things we love, and one of them is the ability to customize Pages so new visitors see something special when they first land on our Page.
Your FaceBook landing page is the page people see when they go to your Page and they are either not logged into FaceBook, or they are logged into FaceBook, but have not “Liked” your Page. While your FaceBook Page is not your main website, it functions like any other website in that you want it to be interesting, engaging, and welcoming so people will take action — specifically, the action of “Liking” your Page. If that's the goal of a good landing page, then doesn't it make sense to give it a little bit of pizazz and personality? This video shares the importance of this, and shares some steps to take to make it happen. Below are three reasons you may wish to consider customizing your FaceBook landing page.
A customized landing page reflects your unique personality and style. When someone lands on a well designed customized page, they get a feel for you. This is important because no matter what you are selling, you are the moderator of your FaceBook Page community and no one will want to be there if they don't know that you are there too.
In addition to getting an idea of who you are, a customized landing page reflects the personality of the community as a whole. A good landing page warms people up and lets them know that there's something special waiting for them “behind the veil.”
A customized landing page is more welcoming than the Wall. If you don't customize your landing page, new visitors land at the Wall. No matter how much you post, or how much conversation happens on your Page, your Wall looks pretty much like the next Wall. Why not make yours stand out from the crowd? Tell people you're glad they came. Set a positive tone and share excitement and enthusiasm. Add colorful graphics and maybe even a video about you and your products to give people something to do and let them get to know you a bit.
The success of your business depends in large part on how well you create community around your brand and your products. FaceBook is the perfect, not to mention, free, opportunity for you to do this! When people know they are being welcomed into something special, they are more likely to participate and tell their friends.
A customized landing page tells people what to do. When a new person lands on the Wall, they may see comments and perhaps the last blog post you pushed through to the Page. But it's unclear what they are supposed to do. Should they click “Like” and jump right in, or should they take a look at some conversation and decide based on that whether to click the “Like” button?
Make it easy for them by telling them what to do. The sooner they click “Like,” the sooner they get to take advantage of all your community has to offer.
We all think our websites are clear and understandable. But in reality, it's rarely true that people know what to do when they get to your site. Remove the doubt by telling them.
When someone “Likes” you on FaceBook, a status update of their activity is automatically posted to their FaceBook Profile. This means that not only did you get a new “Liker,” but you also spread the word about your community to hundreds or maybe even thousands of people, depending on how many connections your new community member has.
You can sit back and let the magic of technology spread the word about your business based on an action someone else has taken. How great is that?
To access the FaceBook Markup Language application discussed in the video, click here.
Question: Aren't the people in your community worth the special touch a customized landing page provides? Leave a comment below telling me what value you place on your FaceBook Page community and I will choose the person with an exciting viewpoint to win their own customized landing page (limit 3 graphics)! You can leave a comment anytime, but the deadline to enter to win your own custom landing page is midnight New York time April 26!