Create Your Own Economy With My FREE Group Coaching
Along with dozens of major newspapers yesterday, the New York Times reported that more Americans were laid off in January than in any other month in the last four years. To me, this is much more than a statistic. When my husband was laid off in 2005, our household income plummeted 60% in one day.
Because we've been there, we feel the pain of the millions of families who are dealing with job loss. If you are one of those families, then this post and my new FREE Group Coaching Program is for you.
You Are Not Powerless
When my husband lost his job, our children were 1 and 3 years old. Of course I hoped he'd get another job, especially since he is so good at what he does. But that was not to be. Except in certain pockets of the country, none of which we could afford to live in, jobs in the news and entertainment field were and continue to be few and far between. (See my posts on the entertainment industry's writer's strike here and here.)
After far too many months of pity partying, he stopped trying to figure out how he was going to convince someone else to hire him and instead started a freelance videography and photography business of his own.
It's been a slow, painful birthing process, made even more challenging because he has no business background and never saw himself as an entrepreneur. But none of that matters because he now knows that he is not at the mercy of the economy or an employer in order to provide for his family. Rather than hoping someone else would create economic security for him, he joined forces with me. We have created our own economy. We run two family businesses from our home.
We were not powerless and neither are you.
Create Your Own Economy
These days, every individual and every family must prioritize business ownership. The national economy is no respecter of persons. It moves in cycles. If your income depends entirely on these cycles, you will experience economic security in cycles, and that's not good for your peace of mind or your financial future.
But if you own a business of your own, while you will still be impacted by the national economy, you also possess an economy of your own. This economy is separate and apart from the national economy and you have nearly total control over it. Even if you keep a traditional job, having an economy of your own allows you to chart your own course.
Free Group Coaching
Because I know what it's like to live at the mercy of traditioanal employment, I feel passionate about helping other people create their own economic security. That's why this month, I begin hosting free weekly group coaching for members of the Indie Beauty Network. Non-members are invited to join us once a month as you will see from the link.
And yes, I said free. For me, helping other people start and successfully manage their own business is more than a passion. It's a life mission.
As Indie Business owners, we have to support and lift one another up. My free group coaching does that and more. Click here to join me.
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