5 Actions That Keep Blogging Simple And Fun
I‘m helping a client launch a blog this week so I'm answering a lot of questions. While each one has a different slant, there is one central theme: Am I doing this right? Unfortunately, there's really no right or wrong way to answer that question.
I've been blogging now since 2005 and I've helped a lot of people launch blogs. One thing that's universally true is that no one feels comfortable when they first start blogging. But for most people, blogging eventually becomes second nature with practice and consistency. One way to help make that happen is to commit to these five actions that keep blogging simple and fun.
1. Be Yourself
As with most things, successful blogging starts with who you are as a person. Blogging requires authenticity. Before adding your first post, make up your mind that the only requirement is that you be yourself. If you remind yourself of that each time you prepare a post, your blog will be natural and genuine, and it must be both in order to capture people's attention.
Blogging should reflect your personality. Displaying your personality is effortless, right? Be yourself and the rest will follow.
One of my favorite bloggers is Michael Hyatt, the president of Thomas Nelson Publishers. Michael's blog posts are sometimes long, but they are chock full of good content to help anyone lead a more fulfilled life. Michael links to lots of other bloggers, and his positive and engaging personality really shines through.
2. Blog Your Passions
Blogging needs to be consistent and interesting, not complicated. If you write about what you are passionate about, blogging is not work.
Don't like to write? Take pictures or videotape things you care about and post them to your blog with a bit of text, if needed, to explain the point you wish to make.
Hate to write? Not a shutterbug? Maybe you like to talk. In that case, get a phone and get a free account at Free Conference Call. Then pay $19.95 a month for Audio Acrobat and take their free training. Record your thoughts or an interview with someone exciting and load the stream and/or download link to your blog.
A picture adds extra interest, so if you are interviewing someone, get them to send you a clear photo of themselves. They don't have a picture? Get one free at 123RF. Click on the icon for Absolutely Free Photographs. I got the picture in this post there.
Hate to write? Not a shutterbug? Don't like to talk either? Don't blog. Instead, see #4 below.
3. Edit
The best blogs are professional, yet informal. But informality doesn't mean sloppy. The good news is that you don't have to be a professional copy editor, or hire one, to:
- make sure words are spelled correctly (use the spell check)
- make sure there is adequate space between paragraphs (if reading the post hurts your eyes, add some spaces between paragraphs)
- make sure your grammar is reasonably proper (read the post out lout and fix everything your mother would correct).
And if you want to hire an editor, my friend Charlon Bobo is one of the best.
4. Start and Invite Conversation
Even if you don't want to host a blog, you can participate meaningfully in the blogosphere and enhance your business by making contributions to other people's blogs. By adding your input in their comments section, you can enjoy networking and sharing your points of view.
If you do have a moment of brilliance, you could even prepare a post and submit it to one of your faovrite blogs as a guest blogger. See my guest blogger guidelines.
As a blogger, it helps to think of yourself as the host of a dinner party. In that role, you have to set the table for your guests. If you invite people over, you have to help them have a good time, right?
One of the ways to ensure that happens is to initiate conversations that help people connect and develop new relationships.
It's the same as the host of your blog. Prepare posts that connect people and help them have a good time. Start interesting conversations that feature your points of view, and invite others to share theirs.
5. Show Link Love
Nothing is more boring than reading online content that features a bunch of words and no links to other places of interest. Blogs like that are self-absorbed, and who likes hanging around people like that?
Link love shows that you are well connected and confident, just the kind of person that people like to hang out and connect with. Showing link love also simplifies the blogging process by giving you interesting content that you don't have to make up yourself.
What about you?
What are your favorite simple tips for blogging? Share them in the comments section below, and link to your blog so we can head over and connect with you.
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