This week, for the first time, I invited a guest to deliver one of your Indie Business Tips! Author and speaker Marlon Smith and I met on Thursday to record some video to announce his new “Personal Branding Summit,” coming up in Charlotte next month. While there, I asked him to share a 10-second business tip. It just rolled out of his mouth on one take! (He's a natural.) Here we are in the recording studio.

I am planning to invite additional guests to share their tips in the future. Won't that be fun? If you are an entrepreneur and our paths cross, don't be surprised if I invite you on the fly. It's fun, and it's good training to always be ready for an opportunity to represent your brand on short notice.
Check Out My New Player!
I have never been really happy with how the Indie Business Tips have been displayed in prior blog posts, like here and here. Now, I have a new way to display them in one YouTube player.
All you have to do is click on the episode you want to watch, and play it through! No more scrolling all the way down the page to see all five videos individually.
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This Week's Indie Business Tip Topics
Maroon top: You cannot build a business on your great ideas.
Green scarf: The media is you!
Black top: Say YES only to the GREAT opportunities.
With handsome dude: People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Multi-colored scarf: Entrepreneurship is a great personal development tool.
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Here are some of the ways you can get my #IndieBusinessTips delivered to you each weekday!
1. Follow on Instagram, and binge on dozens at once on Instagram by searching for the #IndieBusinessTips hash tag!
2. Subscribe to Indie Business TV on YouTube
Best and success,
Feel free to leave a comment via Facebook below to let me know how you liked this week's tips, and share any feedback about the new player. If you enjoyed these episodes of Indie Business TV, please leave a review and comment on YouTube. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!