According to Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, when two or more people work together in harmony to achieve definite goals, they dramatically increase their chances of achieving those goals. While Hill was describing this process he called MasterMinding in a formally organized sense, you can have a mini-mastermind anytime by gathering a group of like-minded people and discussing topics of concern to all.
This is exactly what we'll do on Saturday, January 14, 2012, when hundreds (maybe thousands?) of Indies will gather in dozens of cities around the country to network, discuss goals, MasterMind, and egg each other on to greater heights in the New Year. What a super way to start 2012! There are four ways to participate in Indie Business MeetUp 2012:
- Attend live. Your most fun option. Click hereto find out where the meetup is taking place in your city, RSVP, mark your calendar, make your you're there, and you're golden. Currently, meetups are scheduled in these cities:- San Francisco Bay area: hosted by Lori Nova of The Nova Studio, at her studio
– Western Massachusetts and Boston: hosted by Susan Mann of Manor Hall Soap, at a local bakery
– Northern New Jersey: hosted by La Shonda Tyree of Soap Coach
– State College, Pa: hosted by Dawn Mallare of French Hill Country, at a local B&N book store
– Chattanooga, Tn: hosted by Ginger Moore or NEOS Creations
– Charlotte, NC: hosted by Yours Truly, at a local coffee shop
– New York City: hosted by Melissa Rivera of Naturally Good SoapsWhile all of these locations are hosted by IBN Local Directors, you don't have to be a director to host in your area, as long as a director is not already hosting there. (Email me with questions about this.)
- Add your city! If a MeetUp is not scheduled in your city, it's easy to choose a location (preferably an Indie coffee shop or other small business), start spreading the word and invite people to join you. All you have to do is pick a location and start spreading the word. Let the manager of the establishment know you are planning to be present with a group.Encoruage people to RSVP via MeetUp so they can get to know each other and start connecting in advance. You might consider joining forces with someone to plan it with you. If your attendee count begins to exceed what the establishment can handle, you may wish to split things up. (Email me with questions about this.)
As a side note, hosting an event like this is a great way to promote your own business in your local community.
- Attend virtually. I am working with hosts to use technology to stream a part of each event live. This way, if there is no meetup close to you, you can attend virtually and use the postings and announcements to know some people in your area who can encourage you and help your business grow.
- Help spread the word. Please help us do this, whether you plan to attend or not. The best ways to share are to Tweet the event using Tweets like this or this. You can also help spread the word by posting the graphic to your blog or website, using this code:
Just copy the code and paste it into the sidebar of your blog or website. Easy. It's coded to be centered in your text area, and all the formatting is done for you. You can do this even if you're not going in person because you can always join us virtually!
You can also use the social buttons at the top of this post to share on Google+ FaceBook and Twitter! (If the format does not display correctly, email me and I or someone on my team will reply to help you.)
Iron Sharpens Iron
Without a doubt, the most powerful tool you have in your life and business success arsenal is your very own mind. When you connect your strong, sharp mind with other strong, sharp minds, iron sharpens iron. New ideas and opportunities are created for all.
What perfect timing for these stars to align for you, right at the beginning of a New Year!
I hope you won't miss this chance to kick of 2012 in the company of the people and ideas who can help you make it the best year ever!
Question: Are you planning to attend Indie Business WorldWide Meetup on January 14, 2012?